Our typical day as a family starts with a good hearty breakfast. Following this the course of the day depends on many things. For example; what work shift my partner is on, the weather or how tired we are in general (raising a child is pretty tiring at times).
Usually I am alone with the child throughout most of the day and there is a a lot of work in the house to be done. Namely, the washing, cleaning and also feeding, clothing and changing the child. Most time consuming though, is keeping the child entertained and happy. While all of this needs to be done I need to be able to move freely and have two hands baby-free. Therefore I often find myself using my baby monitor, so that I can leave my child in the next room and be able to listen in and know that he is okay. This is really useful because it means that between the changes and the feeding I have a way to get the other things done in the house.
The house would be absolute chaos without the baby monitor. I use the Philips Avent SCD560/00. It allows me to restore some order while attending the baby when he cries or needs me! How helpful is that! Such a small device can make such a big difference to our lives. I could even put him to sleep in his crib and go downstairs knowing I have a way of physically knowing if he is okay or not. The evenings are not as bad. That is our family relaxation time so no work gets done. We just enjoy being together, watch tv, have dinner and do normal family activities. When it comes to the baby’s bed time, we know that we can put him upstairs in his crib and we can continue having that precious couple time that we really need.
The baby monitor also helps through the night when we go to sleep. I have peace of mind that my child will be heard if it needs help or wants attention. That means I can get a good night sleep anxiety free knowing that my child is going to be okay through the night. As a parent that reassurance is essential and the only way I would be comfortable leaving my child in a different room to us. Honestly, baby monitors help so much! I could not get by without one!
Usually I am alone with the child throughout most of the day and there is a a lot of work in the house to be done. Namely, the washing, cleaning and also feeding, clothing and changing the child. Most time consuming though, is keeping the child entertained and happy. While all of this needs to be done I need to be able to move freely and have two hands baby-free. Therefore I often find myself using my baby monitor, so that I can leave my child in the next room and be able to listen in and know that he is okay. This is really useful because it means that between the changes and the feeding I have a way to get the other things done in the house.
The house would be absolute chaos without the baby monitor. I use the Philips Avent SCD560/00. It allows me to restore some order while attending the baby when he cries or needs me! How helpful is that! Such a small device can make such a big difference to our lives. I could even put him to sleep in his crib and go downstairs knowing I have a way of physically knowing if he is okay or not. The evenings are not as bad. That is our family relaxation time so no work gets done. We just enjoy being together, watch tv, have dinner and do normal family activities. When it comes to the baby’s bed time, we know that we can put him upstairs in his crib and we can continue having that precious couple time that we really need.
The baby monitor also helps through the night when we go to sleep. I have peace of mind that my child will be heard if it needs help or wants attention. That means I can get a good night sleep anxiety free knowing that my child is going to be okay through the night. As a parent that reassurance is essential and the only way I would be comfortable leaving my child in a different room to us. Honestly, baby monitors help so much! I could not get by without one!